May 15, 2020

Yoga and Meditation in Jainism

Q15. Do our daily rituals contain yoga and meditation? What is Yoga and Meditation, why it is important, what are the benefits of yoga and meditation? What are different kinds of Yoga and Meditation defined in Jain Dharma? How does it fit into modern day meditation methods in western world?


This is a very important and timely question. Yoga and Meditation are core and essential for our spiritual growth, yet majority of us do not have enough awareness or have not placed enough emphasis on these practices in our daily life.

Daily rituals do contain yoga and meditation in Jainism. Yoga and Meditation is not separated but it is a part of ritual built in. The rituals are interwoven in the daily life. Our daily essential rituals in Jainism, as outlined in the Jain Rituals: Why, How, What article, also have Yoga and Meditation built in. 

In this blog, we will attempt to explain briefly what yoga and meditation is, benefits of these practices, various yoga and meditation techniques defined in Jainism and a brief insight into meditation methods in western world. Our intent is to create awareness, underscore the importance and provide guidelines/awareness to start these practices.

Yoga and Meditation in Jainism:

Yoga and Meditation have been the fundamental practice of spirituality in Jainism. It has been a core spiritual practice for all Tirthankaras.  All twenty-four Tirthankaras were human beings, they all practiced different physical yoga postures and deep meditation for several years to attain a state of perfect enlightenment and self-realization.

Mahavir swami, at age of 30 renounced the worldly life and spent twelve and half years in yoga and deep meditation.  During this period, he progressed spiritually and conquered desires, feelings, attachments and destroyed four Ghati (deluding) karma and attained enlightenment or Keval-Jnan, while in Goduhikasana (milking posture).

Yoga and Meditation helps us realize the true nature of our soul. Jain religion is based Bhava (internal reflection) and our spiritual progress is towards reducing of our vices or Kashaya.  Meditation can help us grow spiritually while finding inner peace, inner calmness, purpose of life and equanimity.

Archeological evidence and the study of ancient scripture suggest that Yoga and Meditation were practiced in ancient India as early as 3000 BC.  There are several Aacharyas who have contributed towards development of Yoga and Meditation in Jainism.

Approximately 2600 hundred years ago, a sage Patanjali also known as, “The Father of Yoga” had written a book called “Yoga Sutra”. In his book, he described a method of Yoga in eight progressive or systematic steps, popularly known as Ashtänga Yoga.  Even though sage Patanjali may not belong to Jain tradition, Jain Ächärya Shri Haribhadrasuri (8th century) respectfully acknowledged his Ashtänga Yoga as a spiritual path to attain liberation, wrote four books on Yoga and contributed to the development of Jain yoga through his books.

Some of the books on Yoga and Dhyan in Jainism

·        Jinbhadragani Kshmakshaman – 6th Century

o   Dhyan Shatak (Oldest book in Jainism in Dhyana)

·        Haribhadrasuri – 8th Century

o   Yog Drushti Samuccaya – (Eight steps of Yoga based yoga Sutra of Patanjali)

o   Yoga Bindu

o   Yoga Vimshikha

o   Yog Shataka

·        Shubhachandra Acharya – 11th Century

o   Jnanarnav (Yoga Work)

·        Hemchandracharya – 12 th Century

o   Yoga Shashtra

·        Yashovijayji – 17th Century

o   Tika of Yogasutra of Sage Patanjali

o   8 Drashti ni Sajjay

·        Chidanandji Maharaj - 18th Century

·        Shrimad Rajchandra - 19th Century

·        Acharya Mahapragnaji - 20th Century

o   Preksha Meditation

·        Buddhisagrsri – 20th Century (Mahudi Tirth na Praneta)


What is Yoga and Meditation:

Yoga/Meditation is defined as a systematic effort to balance and direct various levels of one's own energy for self-perfection.

The word, yoga, is defined in several different ways: 

·        Any activity which purifies the mind by freeing it from attachment and aversion is called yoga. Purification of the mind creates an awareness of the qualities of the soul and assists it in the destruction of karmas. It consists of practicing the three jewels of Right Perception, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct.

·        Yoga does not refer only to the physical body, but the entire being, including intellectual and emotional beings.

·        Sage Pantajali has said योगः चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः Yoga Chittavruttinirodh:  Quieting of Chitta Vritti or thought process to attain the highest union.

·        Ächärya Haribhadra said मोक्षेण योजनात् योगः What connects the soul to liberation is yoga.

·        Ächärya Umaswati in Tatvartha Sutra mentions ‘Ichha Nirodh iti Tapa’. And Tapasa Nirjarasch. And if there are no desires no new Karma will be attached there. Which is the definition of Liberation or Moksha. Hence Sage Pantanjali’s definition of yoga and Jainism’s definition Tapa is same

·        In Bhagavad Geeta, Bhagwan Shri Krishna said - 'Samatvam yoga uchyate' - “Equanimity is yoga.”

o   yoga-sthaḥ kuru karmani sangam tyaktva dhananjaya
siddhy-asiddhyoḥ samo bhutva samatvam yoga uchyate

“Be steadfast in the performance of your duty, O Arjun, abandoning attachment to success and failure. Such equanimity is called Yoga.”

The word Yoga is also used in different sense by Ächärya Umäsvämi

·        Ächärya Umäsvämi has said that the activity of the body, speech, and mind, which creates vibration in the soul, is called yoga.  This article is not discussing the activity meaning of yoga


Meditation or Dhyana:

·        Meditation is journey or technique which takes us to meditative state of mind or equanimity state of mind. It is the process of concentration of the mind on a single topic, preventing it from wandering.

·        Meditation is not a religion, but it is at the heart of all religion: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, all philosophies and faith.

·        Yoga and Meditation, both leads to purification of the mind that creates an awareness of the qualities of the soul and assists it in the destruction of karmas.

Essentially, Yoga in Jain philosophy is looked at from a holistic perspective and meditation is a facet of yoga which mostly relates to mental and emotional aspects.


Benefits of Yoga and Meditation:

In today’s complex and stressful world, many of us long for deeper meaning, purpose, peace of mind and success in all levels of our lives. Studies and experiences have also shown that practicing yoga and meditation have numerous benefits as outlined below in all aspects of our life: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

Additionally, studies have also shown that yoga results in increased brain activity, which is associated with better cognitive performance and reduced stress by affecting our nervous system.  Yoga therapy is also successful because of the balance created in the nervous and endocrine systems, which directly influence all the other systems and organs of the body. Meditation reduces the production of stress related hormones like cortisol and increases the production of good chemicals like serotonin.


Four Primary Paths to Yoga:

In this article, we will focus on four primary paths to Yoga and four types Dhyana/ meditation in Jainism.

Yoga in holistic sense, is the science that helps us communicate with our body, mind and soul. Yoga is based on physical, mental, intellectual, moral and spiritual disciplines. The four types of yoga below cover the entire spectrum of human personalities. These paths are not mutually exclusive, however, Bhakti-yoga, Jnän-yoga, and Karma yoga, use some part of the mental being, will power, heart or intellect as a starting point. Ashtanga yoga has a systematic approach with 8 steps that concentrates on physical and mental control, leading to the ultimate realization and liberation.

Indian traditions define that there are four primary paths to yoga which lead the worldly soul to liberation. They are:

1 - Bhakti Yoga (Path of Devotion)

The path of devotion aims at the enjoyment of supreme love and bliss. It focuses on realization of truth (true reality, true potential) through means of devotion and surrender. Prayers, rituals, and ceremonial processes are its basic approach. Chanting, singing, and repeating Tirthankars’ names are also important practices. In the initial stage of spiritual progress, a temple or a similar place is needed to practice Bhakti yoga. Ultimately, Bhakti yoga develops humility within and dissolves ego. This is an excellent form of yoga for emotionally oriented people.

2 - Jnän Yoga (Path of Knowledge):

The path of knowledge aims at the realization of the unique and supreme self. Intellectually oriented people prefer this path because it uses study, thinking, direct inquiry, and contemplation as its practices. This path is typified by spiritual discrimination between what is real (true reality) and what is unreal or illusion (Mithyätva or Mäyä) in the universe.

The path uses intellect as a means to negate bondage to the material world through inquiry and analysis. The mind itself is used to examine its own nature. This is typified by inquiring through meditation: "Why am I here?" "What is real and unreal?" and "Who am I?" This leads to the ultimate realization of truth. In the initial stage, one requires the guidance of a true teacher or scriptures to practice Jnäna yoga. Both Jainism and Buddhism primarily use this path.

3 - Karma Yoga (Path of Action):

Karma yoga is the yoga of action and selfless service for the benefit of humanity and all living beings at large. This includes social work, ecology, environmental protection, education, animal protection, and the more. It can be practiced anywhere at any time. The person does not expect any benefits or results from their work. This dissolve one's ego. This is an excellent form of yoga for action-oriented people.

4 - Ashtänga Yoga (Path of Self Control and Meditation)

Sage Patanjali outlines the eight steps, known as Ashtänga Yoga, needed to attain self-realization & describes methodologies for spiritual growth, according to a core set of principles for conscious living. Sage Patanjali defined that the aim of yoga is to control thought processes or “Chitt Vritti” to attain higher state of equanimity. 

Ashtänga yoga aims at the liberation and perfection not only of the body, but also of the mental being. It is the science of physical and mental control.

The book has been adopted by all the religion, faith and philosophy and made modification per their belief system.

Sage Patanjali has enumerated eight steps of yoga based on:


Yama and Niyam

Physical Discipline: 

Äsana and Pränäyama

Mental Alertness:

Pratyähära and Dhäranä

Spiritual Awakening:

Dhyäna and Samädhi


Ashtanga Yoga: Eight Steps of Yoga

1. Yama (Restraints):

Yamas are ethical rules in the Yogic tradition and can be thought of as moral imperatives. They are the guidelines for how we interact with the outer world, the social disciplines to guide us in our relationships with others. Patanjali calls the Yamas Mahavratam, which means a Great Vow. Patanjali states that practice of the Yamas is universal and it should not be limited by class, place, time or circumstances.

The five yamas listed in Yogasūtra are Ahimsa (Non-violence), Satya (Truthfulness), Asteya (Non-stealing), Brahmacharya (Celibacy) and Aparigraha (Non-possessiveness).

2. Niyama (Observances):

In the second stage, a person should develop virtues like cleanliness (external and internal), contentment, austerity, religious study, and self-surrender to the true Self. The Niyama are about self-control. Their practice harnesses the energy generated from the practice of the earlier Yama. Purity of mind and self.

1.    Purity (Shaucha)

2.    Contentment (Santosh)

3.    Austerity (Tapa)

4.    Study of your true self (Swädhyäy)

5.    Meditation of the Divine (Ishwar Pranidhäna)

3. Āsana (Physical Exercise):

In the third stage, a person should do physical exercise to keep the body healthy and the spinal cord straight in preparation for long periods of meditation. Yogäsana is a posture in harmony with one's inner consciousness. Äsanas also help in balancing and harmonizing the basic structure of the human body.

4. Pränäyama (Rhythmic Breathing):

In the fourth stage, a person should regularly practice the control of vital energy through certain breathing techniques. Rhythmic breathing helps concentration of the mind. Sitting still and rhythmic breathing makes the mind fit for looking inward. Pranayama makes the body fit for concentration and mediation.

Various techniques of Pränäyama give agility, strength, and flexibility to the body enabling the meditator to control his or her physical needs. It purges the body of all its impurities. They also quiet the mind and the sensory organs, thereby increasing powers of concentration.

5. Pratyāhāra (Detachment of Mind):

Pratyāhāra is a combination of two Sanskrit words prati- "against" and āhāra "food, diet or intake".

In the fifth stage, a person should practice detachment of the mind from the five senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, and sound, which provide pleasant or unpleasant feelings. This mental exercise gradually slows the rush of thoughts from within to the surface of the mind. Now the mind has become ready for concentration on one object or on one idea.

Pratyahara empowers one to stop being controlled by the external world, fetch one's attention to seek self-knowledge and experience the freedom innate in one's inner world.

6. Dhāraṇā (Complete Absorption of the Mind on a Single Task):

Dharana means concentration, introspective focus and one-pointedness of mind. Dharana as the sixth limb of yoga, is holding one's mind onto a particular inner state, subject or topic of one's mind. The mind is fixed on a mantra, or one's breath/navel/tip of tongue/any place, or an object one wants to observe, or a concept/idea in one's mind. Fixing the mind means one-pointed focus, without drifting of mind, and without jumping from one topic to another.

7. Dhyāna (Meditation):

Dhyana is integrally related to Dharana, one leads to other. Dharana is a state of mind, Dhyana the process of mind. Dhyana is distinct from Dharana in that the meditator becomes actively engaged with its focus.

This state precedes the final state of Samädhi. When the objective flow of uninterrupted concentration reaches the subjective state, the union of object and subject takes place to transcend to the seventh step. Dhyana is contemplating that concept/idea in all its aspects, forms and consequences. Dhyana is uninterrupted train of thought, current of cognition, flow of awareness.

8. Samādhi

Samadhi literally means "putting together, joining, combining with, union, harmonious whole, trance".

Through intense practice, meditation turns into Samadhi. In Samadhi a person is unconscious of everything about oneself. In this state of mind, the perceiver and the object of perception unite through the very act of perception—a true unity of all thought and action. This is the pinnacle of all yogic endeavors—the ultimate “yoga” or connection between the individual and the universal soul.


Now that we have looked at the four primary paths to yoga, and Dhyana (meditation) is one of the steps of Ashtanga-yoga, we will dive deeper into Dhyana. Aacharya Umasvati has given a psychologically scientific classification of the four kind of meditation.


Four Types of Dhyana in Jainism:

Dhyäna or Meditation is the process of concentration of the mind on a single topic without wandering. If the concentration arises from intense passion or negative emotions like attachment, aversion, hatred or animosity, then it is wrongful, non-virtuous and non-worthy for us.

On the other hand, if the concentration arises from positive emotions, search for the truth and from detachment towards wordly affairs, then it is right, virtuous and worthy for us. This kind of meditation helps in spiritual growth and liberation.

Ächärya Umäsväti classified these into four kinds of meditation:

Wrongful or Non-Virtuous Meditation

1. Ärta Dhyäna:  Painful or Sorrowful Meditation

Dislike related (Anishta-Samyoga), Attachment related (Ishta-Viyoga), Suffering related (Vedanä), Desire related (Nidäna)


2. Raudra Dhyäna: Wrathful or Enraged Meditation

Violence enchantment (Hinsä -änand), Untruth enchantment (Mrushä- änand), Stealing enchantment (Chaurya -änand), Protection and preservation of property (Parigraha änand)


Sorrowful and enraged meditations are inauspicious and make the soul wander in the trans migratory state with resultant suffering of innumerable births and deaths. Sorrowful and wrathful meditations hinder spiritual uplift.  They obscure the attributes of soul.

Right or Virtuous Meditation

3. Dharma Dhyäna: Righteous Meditation

Doctrine oriented (Äjnä vichaya), Suffering oriented (Apäya_vichaya), Karmic fruition oriented (Vipäk_vichaya), Universe oriented (Samsthäna_vichaya)


4. Shukla Dhyäna: Spiritual or Pure Meditation

Shukla Dhyäna is possible only by those who have attained a very high level of spiritual state.


Righteous meditation is of an auspicious type and Jainism holds that liberation can only be achieved through meditation or Shukla Dhyana.  It is important to know both the sides, so we can have the awareness and guide ourselves to the righteous meditation.

12 Bhavnas in Jainism

The twelve bhavnas (reflections) in Jainism are a mental exercise in introspection and are intended to create a greater awareness of the need for detachment and constant devotion to religion. The twelve kinds of reflections are:

Anitya Bhävanä  (Impermanence)

Reflection that everything in this world is transient. Good or Bad, nothing is forever.

Asharan Bhävanä


Reflection that there is nothing or no person in this world under whom I can take shelter or protection except for my soul, path of religion and my virtues.

Samsär Bhävanä

(Endless cycles of birth and death)

Reflection on the endless cycles of births and deaths which bring in endless suffering and misery. One should feel tired of the trans-migratory existence and seek for remedies of escape from fetters of Karmas.

Ekatva Bhävanä

(Solitude of the soul)

Reflection that I am my Savior. Thinking that - I am born alone and shall have to die alone; none can save me from transmigration, except myself, my religious convictions, my virtues, and my pious life. This frees us from attachments and brings equanimity of mind.

Anyatva Bhävanä

(Your body and soul are separate entity)

Reflection that the soul is distinct from the body. This body is perishable, and all acquired relations/things because of the body are not mine. I am soul, which is not perishable and only soul is capable of attaining liberation.

Ashuchi Bhävanä

(Impure state of the body)

Reflection on the uncleanness and impurities of the body. This reflection helps discard our attachments to our body, and engage in self-discipline, renunciation, and spiritual endeavors.

Äsrava Bhävanä

(Influx of Karma)

Reflection on the influx of Karmas which leads to distress and misery in life. Any cause such as wrong belief

(Mithyätva) or passions (Kashäya) that create the inflow of Karmas should be discarded

Samvar Bhävanä

(Stopping the Influx of Karma)

Reflection on the need for stoppage or influx of Karmas. One must carry out all the activities with the intention to reduce or stop new bondage of Karma.

Nirjarä Bhävanä 

(Eradication of Karma)

Reflection on the methods of shedding away the Karmas. Raising our spirituality through various means to shed our Karmas.

Loka-svabhäva Bhävanä 

(Ever changing universe)

Reflection on the nature of the universe, soul, and matter, and about the nature of the other substances.

Bodhidurlabh Bhävanä

(A rare chance to be enlightened)

Reflection that religious instruction is difficult to obtain.   It is difficult to attain right faith, right knowledge and right conduct, as many would be indulging in the enjoyment of worldly pleasures which attract us most and make us forget altogether the need to secure enlightenment for the soul which is of vital importance for its liberation.

Dharma Bhavna

(True religion is an excellent shelter)

Reflection on what has been taught by the our tirthankaras. Such contemplation induces devotion to the principles of ahimsa, truth, honesty, celibacy, humility, and equanimity which form the integral parts of the teachings of Jainism. With such contemplation again and again, the mind will be turned inward, fully restrained and no attachment.

A constant reminder of these twelve Bhävanäs expands our understanding of the life's situations/events and help us in transitioning from non-virtuous to virtuous meditation.


Some Method of Meditation:

Now that we know some of the benefits to be gained from meditation, question arise as how one begins if they are new to this subject.

First, find a quiet place where you feel relaxed and comfortable; you can use candle – picture – inspiring images – even of pratimaji of god –which creates an atmosphere of peace.

Second, select special time every day – morning, afternoon, or evening where you have time for yourself with less distraction of other duties and your body will naturally adjust.

Third your posture, now you have a place and time, good posture is very important, lotus pose, half lotus, crossed legs or sitting in the chair – keep your spine tall and straight as your spine provide vital energy to the cells of your body.

Start focusing on your breath and turn inward – mind is going to do what it does best, wondering, just bring your awareness/focus back to the breath.

Just like anything, we get better with the practice, we are training our mind to focus, just be patience.

Meditation in western world:

Meditation has become mainstream in western world.  Especially, Buddhism mindfulness meditation has become revolutionary in Western world. 

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment without judgment. It enhances well-being and expands our ability to savor each moment. It can be used as a tool to help ease stress and improve focus and productivity.

In Jain Ägam literature, it is also said that liberation can be attained by innumerable types of Yogas. Even walking, staying, eating and earning a living becomes yoga if it is done with full awareness of self and according to guidance shown by Tirthankaras or Jinas.


Some Different Meditation Techniques:

        Raja Yoga - Ashtänga Yoga

        Mindfulness Meditation

        Loving-kindness/Metta Meditation

        Breath Awareness Meditation

        Vipassana Meditation

        Preksha Meditation

        Kundalini yoga Meditation

        Chakra Meditation

        Zen Meditation

        Transcendental Meditation

        Body scan or progressive Meditation

Time Magazine also has acknowledged.

Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder, Visionary


In Summary:

Meditation means the process of concentration of the mind on a single topic. Meditation purifies the body, speech, and mind and most importantly the soul. It is of no benefit to inflict pain on the body without purifying thoughts.  One who stabilizes the mind and concentrates on the self-achieves salvation. 

Yoga is a science that helps one communicate with his/her own body, mind, and soul. Yoga is based on physical, mental, intellectual, moral, and spiritual disciplines. When one has complete control over his physical, mental, and intellectual energies, he/she can lead a positive life. Yoga lays the foundation for purity in actions, emotions, and intellect. By practicing yoga and meditation regularly, one can attains mastery over mind.

Some think yoga means sitting in exasperating postures for hours at a time and Meditation does not mean you go away and hide or withdraw from life to be a hermit and avoid responsibility. Yoga and Meditation is unity and harmony, is to be with life.

It is never too late to start Yoga and Meditation. Meditation has power to start new life from any moment.

Meditation is a means to experience the music of trinity of head, heart and hand.  If these three are in unity, life becomes a symphony played by an orchestra and we enjoy living.


Additional Resources - Books on Yoga and Meditation in Jainism:

Please use the serial number provided with each book title to find it on Jain eLibrary website:

Jinbhadragani Kshmakshaman

·        001216 - Dhyan Shatak (Oldest book in Jainism on Dhyan)


·        001092 - Yoga Drushti Samchaya – (Eight steps of Yoga based yoga Sutra of Patanjali)

·        008687 - Yoga Bindu

·        001101 - YogaVinshika,

·        001099 - YogaShatak

Shubhachandra Acharya

·        001696 - Jnanarnav (Yoga Work)


·        001709 - Yoga Shashtra


·        001092 - Yogavinshika Tika

·        001188 - 8 Drashti ni Sajjay

Apr 18, 2020

Jain Rituals - What, Why, How

Q14. Why are rituals important? How should the rituals be performed? What are some of the essential rituals?

First let's define rituals and then we will look into why and how they should be performed. We will also talk about the essential rituals for Jains.

What are rituals?
Ritual, in the religious context, is a set of activities performed to remind basic principles of the religion. They are done in accordance with religious guidelines, social customs, or normal protocols.
Rituals have a symbolic and spiritual significance to the performer. Every religion in the world has their own set of rituals. Rituals are created for the people, by the people, and are an integral part of all religions. Rituals are not meant to be some monotonous, pointless, or meaningless activities, but each ritual has a deep meaning behind it.
There are two aspects that we should consider – Dravya puja and Bhava puja.
  • Dravya puja – The physical activities and recitation of sutras are called the rites and rituals. 
  • Bhava Puja – The internal reflection that occurs while doing Dravya puja is known as Bhava puja.
The Dravya Puja which is the symbolic aspect must be carried out with proper internal reflection and meditation (Bhava puja) such that our spiritual progress (reduction of our vices or Kashaya) occurs. Without spiritual progress, only performing the Dravya puja has no value.
We must also ensure that we are not using any products like milk, wool, silk, peacock feathers, saffron, varakh, kasturi etc. in Dravya puja that involves significant cruelty. Please refer to the Use of Products that involves Violence / Himsa in Jain Rituals blog post for understanding the cruelty associated with these products in current times and potential alternatives.
Without knowledge and awareness, we are either in false belief, blindly following someone else, or unknowingly promoting the industries that involve cruelty towards animals and such actions result in karma bondage and limits spiritual growth. 
In summary, the internal reflection, meditation and removing mithyatva and kashayas are the goals to be attained and the rituals are the means to achieve that goal.

Why are rituals important?
Rituals are important for any religion to build a culture, strengthen their religious values, and to create a sense of community. Rituals performed with proper understanding are a must for survival of a religion.
Rituals are required and play a significant role to instill values and build up religious interest in children, youth, and future generations. 
The rituals are interwoven in the daily life of a pious Jain to help cultivate virtues like non-violence, tolerance, non-attachment, humbleness, forgiveness, straightforwardness and many more. These virtues help us in daily aspects of life and enable us to live a spiritual, joyful, and peaceful life.
Rituals done properly help us:
  • Reduces our kashayas (anger, ego, greed, deceit)
  • Reduces our attachment to worldly objects and physical relationships
  • Increase compassion toward other living beings
  • Realize true nature of the soul and ultimately lead to liberation
Rituals are intended to enable spiritual growth and serve as a reminder to reflect upon the Jain philosophies, values, and proper conduct. Rituals keep the religion alive and help imprint the religious principles into our minds.

How the rituals should be performed?
Jain Agam Das-vaikalik sutra states the following:

Padhamum Jnanm Tao Daya.“
First knowledge (Jnan) / understanding and then conduct or action.

This one line provides the essence of how our Tirthankars envisioned the rituals should be performed. But unfortunately, at times, the rituals are performed as some repetitive or habitual activities. They become part of our programmed routine or checklist instead of spiritual experience. We end up focusing on the count or getting it done. We need to pause and ask ourselves honestly: Am I doing this ritual with the right knowledge and understanding? Am I doing this ritual with proper yoga posture, proper recitation of sutra, and meditation? Am I reflecting on how this ritual is helping me?

The rituals must be performed with the right understanding and interpretation, such that it provides spiritual benefits and an inspiring and uplifting experience. We should not carry out any ritual mechanically, blindly, or follow them as tradition without our own wisdom.
For example: The spiritual benefit of fasting is to reduce the attachment or desire towards food. If fasting or any kind of penance is just done mechanically, then it doesn’t result in spiritual benefit. After we fast, we should reflect on how our attachment to food has changed. The reduction to our attachment and getting closer to the true nature of our soul is the spiritual act and the net result of any penance.

The Jain ritual defines that the sutras are to be recited in a certain physical posture and correct pronunciation along with proper reflection in order to derive a spiritual benefit of a ritual. Both physical and internal reflection are various forms of Yoga. In general, Yoga is defined as that which connects with the soul or leads to liberation.

There are two forms of Yoga for rituals, namely:
  • Kriya-Yoga includes all physical movement, activity, physical posture and recitation of sutras.
  • Jnana-Yoga is the knowledge about the ritual along with proper internal reflection during its performance. It instills the feelings and thoughts as per the meaning of the ritual and absorbs it in the consciousness.
Kriya and Jnana together are critical for the proper performance of any ritual.
Practicing of any ritual starts with understanding the spiritual purpose of the rituals. Ritual must be performed with proper knowledge, understanding and reflection.

Jainism is a very practical religion and it helps us in every walk of life. There are several rituals in place to remind us and help us progress spiritually. One of the ways is a daily practice of six Avashyaka (essentials). Mahavir Swami introduced the six essential rituals to practice daily. There are some differences that exist between Shvetambar and Digambar traditions.

Six Essentials of Shvetämbar-Tradition
To remain calm, undisturbed and in the state of equanimity for at least 48 minutes daily. This daily practice is intended to raise our spirituality and inner strength such that we can maintain the state of equanimity throughout the day.
To pray and remember the qualities of the 24 Tirthankaras. This daily practice is intended to appreciate the Tirthankaras virtues and emulate those in our daily life.
To respect Ascetics and provide food (Gochari) and other items like clothes and medicine. This daily practice is intended to cultivate respect, humility, and selfless service.
To reflect, repent, and re-approach upon wrong thoughts, words and actions and ask for forgiveness for the same. This daily practice keeps us constantly awake and aware about our way of living life.
To stay motionless for a varying length of time (Meditation). During Kayotsarga one is neither in the past nor in the future. This daily practice helps us concentrate on the true nature of our soul. Self-awareness is in the present and hence, it can help detach ourselves from worldly attachments.
To take vows to renounce certain activities which can reduce the influx of karmas. This daily practice is intended to discipline ourselves, to control our desires and prepare us for bigger renunciation.

Six Essentials of Digambar-Tradition
Paying respect and appreciating the virtues of the Tirthankaras
Devotion and service to ascetics
Studying of Scriptures

The purpose of these six Aavashyaks is to raise our spirituality and reduce/eliminate our kashayas (anger, ego, greed, deceit) on a daily basis.

Occasion Oriented Jain Rituals:
Following are some of the most popular festivals in Jainism –

Pancha Kalyänak – Five major events (Pancha Kalyänak) of the life of a Tirthankar
Conception Event
(Chyavana Kalyänak)
When a Tirthankar’s soul is conceived in the mother’s womb.
Birth Event
(Janma Kalyänak)
When a Tirthankar is born
Renunciation Event
(Dikshä Kalyänak)
When a would-be Tirthankar gives up all worldly possessions and family relationships and initiates into the ascetic order
Omniscience Event
(Keval-jnän Kalyänak)
When a Tirthankar becomes free of the four Ghäti Karma by the practice of severe discipline, penance, and meditation, and attains Keval-jnän.
Nirvana Event
(Nirvana Kalyänak)
When a Tirthankar is liberated from the cycle of birth and death and becomes a Siddha. The Tirthankar destroys the remaining four Aghäti Karma and is now free from all Karma.
Paryushan/Dash Lakshana - During the months of August- September, Paryushan/Dash Lakshana is an important festival of forgiveness and atonement for Jains. Paryushan means staying close to our soul.
Mahavir Janma Kalyanak - It is also known as Mahavir Jayanti. It is an auspicious occasion to celebrate the birth of Lord Mahavir, the 24th and the last Tirthankara, over 2600 years ago. It is observed on the thirteenth day of the bright half of the moon in the month of Chaitra (March/April).
Diwali - Diwali teaches us to uphold the true values of life, to destroy ignorance that prevents humanity, and to drive away darkness that engulfs the light of knowledge. Diwali is celebrated for five days and each day has its own significance: Dhanteras, Kali Chaudas, Diwali (Nirvana day for Mahavir Swami), New Year and Bhai Beej.
Navpad Oli - Nine Elements – It is also called Ayambil Oli. Jain observes Festival of Navpad oli, that last for nine days, twice a year. The first one falls in the bright fortnight of Ashwina month (September/October) and the second during the bright fortnight of Chaitra month (March/April).
Ashtanhika Parv - This is a Jain festival celebrated for eight days three times a year in the months of Kartik (October/November), Falgun (February/March), and Ashdah (June/July). It is celebrated from the eighth day of Shukla Paksh (Waxing moon Cycle) till Purnima/Guru Purnima every year.

Rituals are important and critical stepping-stones for our spiritual progress. Rituals performed mechanically without knowledge, understanding, and reflection does not provide any spiritual benefit. Also, if the rituals are performed out of fear, ego, greed, deceit, or personal gain, they are pointless and provide no benefit.
We want to ensure that rituals are performed with the right understanding and are enhancing our spiritual growth. Rituals done properly help reduce/eliminate our kashayas (anger, ego, greed, deceit), help us realize the true nature of the soul and ultimately leads us to liberation.
The daily rituals / practices are intended to raise our spirituality, increase our inner strength, practice meditation, self-control, reflection, self-awareness, and essentially allow us to live by our Jain values and maintain the state of equanimity in all situations.

Feb 14, 2020

Jainism view on Eggs Consumption

Q13. Are Eggs unfertile? Then why are eggs not considered vegetarian food and why are Jains not allowed to eat eggs? What are the facts about Eggs?
Let’s first look at some of the most commonly followed diets, including Vegan and Vegetarian:

Within Vegetarian diet following community, Eggs have been a controversial food. As many argue that eggs produced for commercial sale are unfertilized then why are they not considered part of a vegetarian diet, like dairy products?As you can see from the above listed visual chart that definition of Vegetarian diet changes as you go across different parts of the world. People follow several different types of vegetarian diets. Vegan diet across the globe is the only diet that is purely plant-based diet and does not include consuming any direct or by-products from Animals.
How do Hens produce Eggs? Are all Eggs Unfertile?
Just as Female humans, Hens ovulate for the same reason: to reproduce. Female human ovaries also contain developing eggs. In women, a mature egg is released from the ovary once a month. If the egg becomes fertilized by male sperm, then it attaches to the wall of the uterus and begins to form an embryo. If the egg is not fertilized, it is eliminated during monthly menstrual cycle 
In chickens, the ovary is a cluster of developing ova, or yolks. If Rooster mates with Hen before Hen lays eggs, then these eggs can be fertilized, otherwise Hens lay eggs which are unfertilized. Most commercially available eggs are unfertilized since Hens are kept separately on farms for breeding eggs only.
Even though commercially produced eggs are unfertile, why should we avoid consuming as part of our vegetarian diet?
Let’s understand how birds produce eggs in the wild vs. on commercial farms today:
Although Hens do not menstruate like Female humans, the cycle of creating and passing much larger eggs relative to their body size and weight is arguably even more physically taxing, especially in modern hens who have been genetically manipulated to force them to bred to produce such unnaturally high rates of eggs. 
In fact, the process of making and passing an egg requires so much energy and labor that in nature, wild hens (aka The Red Jungle Fowl - from whom domestic hens are descended) lay only 10 to 15 eggs per year. Their bodies could never sustain the physical depletion of laying hundreds of eggs that domestic chickens have been forced to produce through genetic manipulation. 
It is a common misconception that Hens are always just naturally “giving” eggs, because modern Hens have been intensively bred to lay between 250 to 300 eggs a year. But in the wild, chickens, like all birds, lay only during breeding season — primarily in the spring — and only enough eggs to assure the survival of their genes.
Egg harvesting from chicken does not require killing chicken, like caviar or fish eggs are obtained by killing fish. Not every product that comes out of an animal requires killing that animal, the best example being milk. However, it does not mean there is no animal cruelty or violence (Himsa) involved in the process of harvesting these products (Eggs, Milk) even if direct killing act is not conducted. Extreme cruelty is inflicted on cows for milk and all associated dairy products as outlined in the View on Dairy Products Usage and Consumption blog post.
When you look closely, it becomes clear how the entire process of harvesting eggs involves inhumane cruelty or violence against these animals 
Any animal food that is produced at a large scale for commercial purposes, brings many unwanted and often unknown (to mass population) violence. Many inhumane practices are carried out to increase and sustain high production of eggs. 
Hatcheries often breed chickens in an undesirable/inhumane way. For example, 
  • Female chicks are given hormone injections to boost their reproductive cycle earlier than nature intended. 
  • Chickens are kept in a very tight space, crawling on top of each other, not able to stand on ground, no outdoor space.
  • Chickens are poorly fed, which has many negative effects on chickens’ health. 
  • Female chickens are left to die or used as food (for animal consumption) once their reproductive cycle stops and are not producing eggs anymore. 
  • Most of the male chickens born are grounded up for food (while they are alive) as they do not have any reproductive value. 

Please refer to some of the highly viewed YouTube videos showing Egg production lifecycle, showcasing how much cruelty and violence is involved (Viewer discretion advised):

All this violence is inherently part of producing “Unfertile” eggs that some may consider as valid vegetarian diet. 
What about eggs from free-range or cage-free, farm raised birds? Are they cruelty free?
With recently raised awareness of commercially raised chickens, many people recognized ethical problems that arise from animal factories producing animal products. And so, to distance themselves from such inherent cruelty and harm done to these animals, they turned to free range birds’ eggs, farm raised organic chicken eggs or some using their own backyard chickens. 
So, what’s wrong with that? This non-commercial egg production happens almost without human manipulation or intervention, where is the ethical problem or Himsa involved in there? 
Well, if you just scratch little beneath the surface. Such as:
1.    How are these hens bred? All hens in small farms, big farms or in animal factories are bred in hatcheries. 
2.    What happens to these hens when they no longer produce eggs? 
3.    What happens to roosters (male chicken babies) in this type of farming? 
Just because they are kept in a pleasant open farm space, free of medicines and antibiotics does not free then from untimely, unnatural killing. Killing of under productive Hens or unproductive Roosters are done regularly by these farms that declare their hens happy or consider them free range animals. 
Some eye-opening facts:
  • Between 470 Million to 490 Million chickens are produced every year for eggs harvesting. Approximately, half of them are male babies. These male babies have no value in the egg production cycle and thus are killed through suffocation, maceration, carbon dioxide poisoning, electrocution, cervical dislocation etc.
  • There is no such thing as slaughter free animal agricultural system. Animal factories, farm raised, cage-free, however they are bred.
  • Even if one considers byproducts such as eggs as technically Vegetarian food, production/harvesting of eggs inherently involves violence and cruelty against these animals.
  • Many studies show that eggs are harmful for human consumption due to high saturated fat in yolk. Many alternative plant-based proteins are healthier options.
  • Animal farming and harvesting of animal by-products have much higher environmental impact compared to Vegetables/Fruits farming.
  • As learned above, consuming eggs conducts harm against five-sense living beings vs. one-sense living beings when you follow only plant-based diet.
  • As per, U.S. table egg production totaled 95.3 billion in 2018, up 3 percent from 2017. 
  • The U.S. has 328 million commercial laying hens (January 2018), up 3 percent from January 2017. The daily rate of lay averaged 79 eggs per 100 layers (January 2018). On average, each laying hen produces 289 eggs per year.
  • According to › Consumer Goods & FMCG › Food & Nutrition, In 2019, consumption of eggs in the United States was estimated at 289.5 per person.
  • Millions of male chicks and laying hens are slaughtered every year as they lose their reproductive value -
  • Detrimental Environmental effects: In comparison to plant-based produce, the production of eggs, like other animal-based produce, generates negative effects on the environment, including the emission of greenhouse gases or the contamination of soil and water.

In short, even though immediate harvesting of animal byproducts such as MILK, EGGS are not killing them directly, if looked closely at the whole agricultural life cycle of its production, it comes to realization how much cruelty and violence is involved in every step of the way.
Lastly, we want to emphasis on why it is so important to stand by your compassionate choice and not make exceptions:
Many vegetarian diets following people in the modern world often make exceptions by allowing themselves to consume eggs as part of an ingredient of a food product, dish, while not consuming eggs directly as food. 
If you think - what harm do I really cause, what violence do I really conduct when I consume just one cookie, one piece of cake, a slice of bread, baked pie or a small chocolate bar once in a while… then
Think deeply and think broadly!  
1.    By saying YES to consuming products containing Eggs, you are promoting that industry at large. 
2.    You are participating in the cruel agricultural life cycle by consuming products made from eggs in any shape or form. Since the commercial industry is all about demand and supply. 
Think about the possibility if you decide to say NO to all products that contain animal products (e.g. Eggs) and instead ask for, demand for products made without animal products, byproducts. 
If enough of us choose to stay strong by our choice of being compassionate, we will help in creating demand for cruelty-free products of all kinds. Today we have so many Vegan options available in grocery stores, restaurants and shopping malls. 
Today, we are able to consume these cruelty-free products thanks to those before us who chose to stay strong by their choice of compassion.