Dec 20, 2022

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender - What is the Jain thing to do?

Q29. What is Jain view on lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender? In general, much of Jain community do not accept them as normal or equal people,  what can we do to accept them as equal human beings? What is the Jain thing to do as a family and community? How does Jainism guide us to accept the normalcy of such orientations?


We are grateful that our community is asking these questions. These questions have been around for ages, but often they are not talked about openly. We have received this question from individuals with different orientation, from parents whose children are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, and from youth in our community who wish to understand the Jain view on this topic. At the heart of each question we received, there was the concern that the actions, reactions, and behavior we often see towards people of different gender identities and sexual orientations do not feel aligned with Jain values. We set out to answer one question of compassion: How can we as Jains address discrimination and cultivate acceptance?

To address this topic, we researched Jain scriptures, scientific studies, and most importantly, held conversations with individuals who have experienced this situation.


Because heterosexuality has been the norm during the modern era, whenever we come across any lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, we often resort to one of three responses:

1.    Ostracize (exclude) them as abnormal or immoral

2.    Ask them hide their identities, lie about it, or change their orientation

3.    Accept them and enable them to live life true to themselves

We don't need an in-depth study of Jain scriptures to see that choices 1 and 2 are against Jain values. Not accepting an individual for who they are is not practicing anekantvad, ostracizing someone is a form of harsh violence, and asking someone to lie and live falsehood is not practicing satya. So, the Jain thing to do is to accept them, embrace them with no judgment or bias, and empower and enable them to live their authentic life being true to themselves in the same way we expect for ourselves.


Even though we can cognitively agree that choice #3 is most in line with Jain values, our social conditioning, cultural influence, and belief systems can make it difficult for us to put those values into practice. It can also be incredibly challenging for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people to understand and accept themselves, and often they are not able to open up about their identities because of the fear of how others will react, the fear of being judged, ostracized, ridiculed, or outcasted, fear of being discriminated against, or treated violently, and fear of how family will accept and handle the social discrimination faced as a fallout of such revelation. In addition, people born with different orientations may feel alone and ashamed as a result.


Centuries of programming and conditioning have led our society to adopt a very narrow window of what is considered normal, common, or morally acceptable. When something is not common, we think of it as abnormal, it becomes a taboo and a shameful thing, and because of that, such individuals across generations have chosen to keep their true orientation hidden.


We hear stories in our Jain community and in the news about the consequences of societal fears, offensive treatment, and non-acceptance. People have lost their lives, tried to commit suicide, or lived with anger, deceit, fear, and suppression day in and day out. And for us as Jains, becoming a “nimitt” (catalyst) for anyone’s such sorrow and misery is completely against true Jain values.


This article is specifically focused on what we can do as families, community, and society to create a more compassionate, tolerant, and accepting environment, and truly embrace anyone that falls outside norm in our traditional society. Each and every one of us have a responsibility and moral imperative in creating a more inclusive and accepting world.


When we hold on to unexamined and wrong beliefs, Jainism refers to it as Mithyatva or Ignorance. Our ignorance is a major cause of suffering within us and others. There are many ignorant beliefs that people have held over years about lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals. For many of us, we can go about our lives holding onto these beliefs and we may never encounter personal situations to look more deeply into such beliefs.


However, in conversation with families who have faced these situations where a family member is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, their biggest learning and growth came from shedding their misguided beliefs and recognizing that their love towards the child is no different after learning this aspect about them. Only when they learn of their own child or a close relative being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, they realize that consciously or subconsciously they have been holding onto misguided beliefs. For example, they may believe being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is a disease that can be cured, that it is caused by the influence of Western culture, that the person has chosen to be this way, that they can be converted to heterosexual orientation if they try, that it is a punishment or shame on themselves or a reflection on bad parenting somehow, that it is a mental sickness, it is infectious, or you can turn lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender by hanging out with them. This kind of mindset often results in much suffering for the person and his or her family members. Such beliefs go against the core Jain values.


When life presents us with challenging and unexpected situations, how we respond at that time is our true test of wisdom and spirituality. Especially, when it comes to children, our first response as parents plays the most important role in creating a positive versus negative outcome. When our children choose to confide in us, our response will either encourage them to lead an authentic life or add further to their fear and trauma. It is fundamentally the responsibility of the parents and immediate family to protect and nurture their children by accepting them as they are.

Jain Literature

We researched Jain literature to understand how orientations are recognized.  In Bhagwati Sutra and Tattvartha Sutra three sexes are mentioned. They refer to the categories of Male, Female and Hermaphrodite. The Hermaphrodite are indicated as neither male nor female.


Further, they classify sexual disposition as different from the physical, sexual attributes of the body. Sexual disposition is also categorized as Male, Female and the third category as neither completely Male nor Female, nor common to both Male and Female categories.  Thus, mental disposition is recognized to be different from physical anatomy. This classification would, therefore, refer to what we now know as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender sexual orientations.


Jain philosophy and scriptures are quite clear on how each soul lands into a specific body and mental disposition based on the Body making (NaamKarma and Mohaniya Karma.  This is also true for all animals with five senses. The scriptures clearly state that all souls, regardless of the mental and physical orientation, have the potential for liberation upon the exhaustion of Mohaniya Karma. Although Digamber scriptures say that a soul is capable of liberation only via male-body.


So, what this tells us is that lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender orientations are recognized in our scriptures and are not a weakness, defect, choice, fake, imaginary, or just mental formation. It is an attribute of the body, similar to the height or color of skin. Every soul has same potential, irrespective of their human body or orientation.


In the Hindu scriptures, Napunsak (hermaphrodite category) is one of the many names of ShivaShiva is sometimes portrayed as half male and Half female or Ardhanarishwara. In Brahmand PuranaNapunsaka is defined as neither male nor female sex type and further elaborates that the soul attains its sexual category in the womb itself. Hence, both Jain and Hindu scriptures accept such an event happening even before birth.


Almost 50 years back, in December 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), the largest psychiatric organization in the world, made history by issuing a resolution stating that homosexuality was not a mental illness or sickness. This declaration helped shift public opinion, marking a major milestone for LGBTQ equality.


The Indian Psychiatric Society (IPA), the largest society of mental health professionals in India, categorically stated in 2018 that homosexuality is not a disease and must not be regarded as such.


According to the Kinsey Institute, in studies conducted in the 1940’s and 1950’s, 10% of American males and 3% of American females were found to be gay/lesbian.


Based on data collected through 11 surveys conducted in the U.S. and four other countries in 2012, the key findings estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender. Even though more than 10 million people self-identified themselves, the numbers were probably undermeasured and underreported.


As acceptance and public opinion are shifting, the percentage reported has steadily increased since Gallup first measured LGBTQ identification in 2012. In 2021, Gallup finds that LGBTQ identification in U.S ticks up to 7.1%, which is approximately 23 million people. So, think about how many people are impacted and how we treat them becomes very important. We cannot afford to remain ignorant or indifferent about it.

Changing Attitudes in India

While general social attitudes in India regarding LGBTQ+ lags behind most Western countries, it is important to note that there have been some significant developments.  

For instance, between 1990 and 2014, the share of Indian respondents in the World Values Survey who believed “homosexuality is never justifiable" fell from 89% to 24%—from an overwhelming majority to a clear minority. 


Supreme Count of India’s verdict on decriminalizing Section 377” in 2018 gave the country’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans community the freedom to safely express their sexual orientation

Page 6 from the verdict:

"... The natural identity of an individual should be treated to be absolutely essential to his being. What nature gives is natural. That is called nature within. Thus, that part of the personality of a person has to be respected and not despised or looked down upon. The said inherent nature and the associated natural impulses in that regard are to be accepted. Non-acceptance of it by any societal norm or notion and punishment by law on some obsolete idea and idealism affects the kernel of the identity of an individual. Destruction of individual identity would tantamount to crushing of intrinsic dignity that cumulatively encapsulates the values of privacy, choice, freedom of speech and other expressions...."


At this time, there are many LGBTQ+ organizations in India that provide resources and support for the community.

The Jain Thing to Do – Jain Values in Action

When we accept and embrace someone the way they are, then there is no judgment, no bias, no prejudices, no label - we accept them as a whole human being.


True acceptance shows up in our conscious and purposeful behavior as well as in subtle and subconscious behavior - we believe and behave towards lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals as an equal person, use the same mindset and scale for gays and lesbians as we would for a heterosexual people or couples while making any choices, we don’t hide their identity or ask them to hide, we advocate for them and we never apologize for them being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.


Some people may feel that the issue of sexual orientation doesn’t concern them, so they do not wish to talk about it. They may take a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ type of attitude, as if ignoring it will make the issue disappear. Such denial and avoidance is a form of lying to oneself. Rather, it is more honorable and courageous to acknowledge that a diversity of sexual orientations exists, and to educate oneself about the truths of sexual orientation without judgment and condemnation.


These kinds of mindsets and behaviors can be a source of assurance and implicit societal acceptance. The more people change to a positive attitude towards LGBT individuals, the faster we can bring that change in our society.


To embody this level of acceptance in our thoughts and behavior, we must recognize the need for our own inner work and challenge ourselves to overcome the biases. This kind of inner transformation starts with knowledge and understanding. By not doing the inner work, we are increasing kashaya within us and it is a hinderance for our own spiritual growth.


Let’s look at a few core values and principles of Jainism and how they apply to this topic:


Ahimsa means not causing harm and having compassion for any living being through our thoughts, words, or behavior. So, when we discriminate, ostracize, outcast, gossip towards anyone who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender then we are creating himsa (violence). The principle of Ahimsa teaches us to hold compassion, love, and understanding towards them and treat them as equal.


The principle of Anekantvad teaches us that “I am not the only one who is right, and others are not wrong. Others are right too”. The ultimate truth is complex and has many aspects. Anekantvad teaches us to accept and respect everyone, no exception. It also states that no single, specific statement can describe the nature of existence and the absolute truth. This principle is at the heart of understanding, embodying, and promoting diversity inclusion towards all gender identities. This principle urges us to create a more just, compassionate, and inclusive society.


The principle of Aparigraha teaches us that the path to liberation can be achieved by giving up all emotional attachments, internal passions, sensual pleasures and material possession. All forms of parigraha (internal passions/kashaya) to the world are ultimately an obstacle to our journey to liberation. This principle reminds us to let go of our internal passions and attachments that make us shame or demean the individuals of LGBTQ orientation. It is a sign of our spiritual immaturity and therefore becoming an obstacle in our journey to liberation.


Satya means living one’s authentic life. Satya is about having the courage to know your truth, live it authentically, and never be apologetic about it. When we hide reality or ask others to hide their reality, then we are turning away from truth. This principle urges us to create an environment where lesbian, gay, bisexual and people of all gender identities feel empowered to be themselves and live authentically.


One of the core Jain beliefs in Jainism is that the universe constitutes of six fundamental substances and Soul (Jiva) is one of them. Soul (Jiva) is the only living substance, which has consciousness. Every living being is a soul. An infinite number of souls exist in the universe, and they are all unique. Every human regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identities, is a soul and deserves the same acceptance, respect, safety, and compassion.

Spiritual Growth

Our spiritual progress lies in reducing and removing our mithyatva (ignornace) and kashaya (anger, ego, deceit, greed, attachment, aversion, and other vices). It lies in overcoming our fears, such as what would people say or think.


“Padhamam nanam tao daya“ (Dasavaikalik Sutra 4.10)- First knowledge (gyan) / understanding and then achar or conduct / actionAt an individual level, we must first educate ourselves, understand, verify the information with our logic and internalize it. We must reflect on our own previously internalized bias and attempt to uproot our unconscious negative attitudes towards gays, lesbians, or any other gender identities.

Spirituality teaches that life is not what happens to us, but life is our response to what happens to us. It is about how we navigate (unexpected) situations in life without being consumed by despair, anger, or hatred. And recognizing that if we ask the right questions during a crisis then wisdom arises and it leads to spiritual growth.

External renunciation is meaningless if the Soul remains fettered by internal shackles (Kashaya or vices) - Bhava-Pahud (13)Our religious and spiritual practices are meaningless if our beliefs, ignorance, and behaviors end up causing suffering in other human beings.  


In summary, knowledge is power and once the knowledge becomes our own then we can make choices aligned with our values and we can educate those around us.

We believe this article will serve its purpose if:

·       Our community will help in creating a more inclusive and tolerant society, in which every human can live their authentic life and never feel apologetic about who they are or who they love.

·       LGBT individuals will find courage to accept themselves and live happy and fulfilling lives that are authentic to who they are.

·       Family and society show complete acceptance and compassion towards their children and others, regardless of their gender identities or any other external factors outside of the society’s definition of “normal.”

·       This awareness will enable a family to face the situation with understanding, patience, acceptance, love, and compassion, when a child opens up to them. The first response is critical.

·       The knowledge and awareness take away the fear of unknown.

·       It enables people in our community to hold meaningful conversations and use appropriate language when it comes to this topic.

·       It empowers and urges all of us to do the inner work to reduce and remove our mithyatva and kashaya.

Acknowledgments and References:

We would like to thank Jain Scientist Acharya Shree Vijay Nandighoshsuriji for sharing his knowledge on Jain literature as it relates to this topic. The information has been incorporated in this article based on the conversation with him.

We would also like to thank Dr. Vijay Mehta for sharing his journey, experiences, and insights with us. That helped us tremendously in drafting this article.

Dr. Mehta is retired Chief of Surgery from the city of Temple, Texas. He is an advocate for the LGBT community.  His son Parag came out to him on March 27, 1999, at the height of HIV epidemic and a wave of homophobia. In response to this news, Dr. Mehta wrote a letter to his family and friends sharing Parag’s truth and affirming his son’s decision to live as his true and authentic self. That letter has been shared by many in the Indian American community as a model for how to lead with love.

Dr. Mehta has been vocal about his journey from being a homophobic person to becoming an ally and counselor to others who may be traveling the same difficult path. His toast at his son's 2019 wedding – performed according to Jain rituals – went viral with more than 30 million views.  

Several resources shared by Dr. Mehta.

The speech

The Letter



  1. Nice article and it definitely cleared some of my reservation and thoughts. Thank you for the explanation.

  2. Did any acharya maharaj saheb in India provided his view point on this subject?

  3. Very well articulated, thank you for discussing the topic and then putting all Jain perspective concisely.Thanks.

  4. I have a question about this social issue of our time. Let us supposed that a biological male declares himself as a transgender woman and expects to get Diksha as a Sadhavi, then which Jain Munishree would give Diksha and allow this biological male to stay with other sadhvis in the sangha?
    At the same time if a biological female declares herself as a transgender man and expects Diksha as a Sadhu, then which Jain Munishree would give Diksha to this biological female and let her stay with other sadhus?
    Would this be acceptable to Jain samaj?
    If this is acceptable, then in a couple generations we would have half of the Sadhus who are biological females and half of the Sadhvis would be biological males.

    1. The key issue here is that no Sadhus nor Sadhavis should have sexual feelings to any being, life as otherwise Diksha is "forfeited" and personally i feel that they have to leave the commune. Otherwise I cannot see any issue!

    2. Very nice article written with open mind and broader viewpoints.
      I do not understand the question of the commenter as to why consider this as "social issue of our time" and why to connect it to "Diksha".
      My response to the commenter: Please understand the subject matter and get yourself educated rather than worried about the number of sadhus and sadhvis in the future.
      The article has referenced the view point of many so called "firkas" of Jains.
      Does the commenter have any clear idea of the definition of Sadhu ?
      Michchhami Dukkadam !!!

    3. Very well said "Michchhami Dukkadam". I am not a Jain, but I love this message so much that I say it as greetings to my Jain friends; and in some instances I have reconciled with friends and relatives.

    4. Most Wonderful article .....

  5. RIght interpretation coming from Anekantavad! Siddhartha Dalal

  6. 1. The article is quite alarming that Jains in USA are in agreement of such behaviors.
    The discussion never mentions about brahmacharya principle of five mahavrats. In my humble opinion, Sadly, the discussion has been cut short with the main Jain principle of brahmacharya. By leaving out the critical tenants, it has undermined the Jain Agamas like Nishith sutra, mahanishith sutras and chhed sutras. Soon this ideology will lead towards transgenders. Would it be acceptable to admit trans man (woman changing to man) in male sadhu sangh ? And vice versa would it be acceptable to admit trans woman (man changing to woman) in female sadhvi sangha ?? It will be the ultimate betrayal of misrepresentation of one’s own self - how can such a person be ready for moksha marg ???
    USA liberals including liberal Jains and liberal Hindu are doing great harm to the authentic teachings by accepting and promoting such perverted views in the name of Jain dharma and/or Hindu dharma. We can have karuna bhav and prayers for them (those who are confused about their identity)
    to see the true nature of SELF but no anumodan. Anumodan will create only more of the avarnaniya karmas and mohniya karmas.

    1. Whoever has posted this has ENTIRELY missed the point of the article. There is nothing alarming about accepting and recognized other humans as equal and worthy. Nowhere does it deny the importance of bramacharya principles. Ideology does not "lead to transgenders" any more than ideology can deny it. This issue has nothing to do with liberal or conservative. Instead of lashing out at liberals and throwing around religious words irreponsibly, you would be better advised to look in the mirror at the seething bigotry implied in your own response.

    2. There is nothing alarming about anyone accepting LGBTQ in any part of the world in any religion. More than 50 years ago when American Psychology Association declared that "LGBTQ' was not a disease or condition to be treated or fixed and it was simply a variation of normal distribution. Just as someone may be too short compared to others .. that person is still human being and has the same potential

      Bhramacharya does not mean for one not to engage in sexual partner of his/ her choice. Sex with some one you love and want to share rest of your life is good. If we all practice Brahmacharya the human race would not exist.

      When you say "Soon this ideology will lead towards transgenders." you are misinformed - Transgenders have existed over thee course of history (may be they stayed underground due to fear of repercussion) Regardless of our attitude of acceptance or ostracization the numbers of Trans genders are not going to change. Of course if there is a fear of coming out they will stay underground.

      I see nothing wrong in transgender on path of Moksha and if Biological male is identifying herself as female that would be Sadhvijee.

      I would not call them USA Liberals but call the common sense Jains who are willing to look at issues from point of Science - common sense - and principle of Satya - Ahimsa. At the end of the day any philosophy that prevents from people living their authentic life is sure to fail. Kudos to writers for addressing such difficult issue.

    3. Those who aspire liberation are required to walk the path where progress is only possible by conquering psychological drama. On this path physical body is only used as a tool irrespective of its gender. Those who are not on the path of liberation or at the lower levels of the journey to liberation (Shravaks) are free to have fluid psychological identifications and continue with their psychological drama including their masculine or feminine traits and behaviors, and sexual preferences, irrespective of their gender.
      Those who embark the path of liberation this basic level of psychological drama shouldn’t exist. If this basic level of identity related psychological drama exists then it is a sign that they are not ready to embark and commit to the path prescribed for Jain sadhavis and sadhus.
      Don’t Sadhavis and sadhu wear what they wear for mere survival and only to keep themselves on the edge of this social world that they have renounced so that their basic needs can be met and they can spend more and more time on themselves and their saadhana?

      Isn’t it us who have created all these norms that a saadhu or saadhavi should behave or dress like this or that? I don’t think one who is seeking liberation truly cares about our norms and interested in any sort of conflict that will lead to wasting their time and energy and deviate them from their goal.
      So we should stop worrying unnecessarily and if we really want to do something then we should focus on doing what will make their journey smooth.

    4. Those who aspire liberation are required to walk the path where progress is only possible by conquering psychological drama. On this path physical body is only used as a tool irrespective of its gender. Those who are not on the path of liberation or at the lower levels of the journey to liberation (Shravaks) are free to have fluid psychological identifications and continue with their psychological drama including their masculine or feminine traits and behaviors, and sexual preferences, irrespective of their gender.
      Those who embark the path of liberation this basic level of psychological drama shouldn’t exist. If this basic level of identity related psychological drama exists then it is a sign that they are not ready to embark and commit to the path prescribed for Jain sadhavis and sadhus.
      Don’t Sadhavis and sadhu wear what they wear for mere survival and only to keep themselves on the edge of this social world that they have renounced so that their basic needs can be met and they can spend more and more time on themselves and their saadhana?

      Isn’t it us who have created all these norms that a saadhu or saadhavi should behave or dress like this or that? I don’t think one who is seeking liberation truly cares about our norms and interested in any sort of conflict that will lead to wasting their time and energy and deviate them from their goal.
      So we should stop worrying unnecessarily and if we really want to do something then should focus on doing what will make their journey smooth.

  7. An excellent article

  8. Thank You for a well-researched response. The practice of Ahimsa begins with compassion and understanding. Meri Bhavna captures the response in a simple message: "Maitri bhav jagatme mera sab jivonse nitya rahe, Deendukhi jivopar mere urase karuna strot bahe."

  9. Interesting article to say the least.
    Looks like the social problems or rather conundrum is tagged for Jains. As far as I can tell - majority people including conservatives of all denominations accept the way people are - not necessarily in the religious terms but as a humans. As a diverse human nature, there will be always some who will not. In everyday life, there will be always disagreements and rejections and so forth. By putting the Jain spin on the issue oversimplifies the issue.

    Plus. - it also undermines the Jain tenants specifically the Brhamacharya aspects. Nishith and mahanishith sutras are very pointed and specific about breaking and observing this tenants.

    Accepting such individuals with compassion and love is completely different. The article eludes to the point that Jainism accepts such behavior in conclusion.

    My humble opinion is that Jain marg is a very difficult path for those who wants to trade for Kaivalya or moksha. Please keep out of the social problems from religion and dharma. And Jains should not not play in the hands of the political games instigated and supported by woke and elite and oligarchy of minority.

    1. It appears that you read this blog article like the way you read political news papers. There's nowhere any political mention about the subject matter.

      Being kind and treating another human with respect and non-discrimination is a core value and it's repeated across the whole article. It does not talk about pre-marital or extra-marital physical relationship because that's not the topic.. not sure if any Bramhacharya aspects apply here.

      I think message is quite simple. Gender Orientation and Sexual orientation should not be looked down upon and should be accepted. If we stick to the core principles of religion.. we will easily be able to get there..

      If a poisonous snake biting Lord Mahavir is accepted with open arms.. then a human with just different orientation should be accepted without reservations

      That's the Jain way

    2. Jain five vows are the foundation for the great sanyam marg. If brahmacharya is one of the five fundamental tenant then it had key role. If one needs to nitpick whatever the agenda needs to be promoted then - by all means. Then please why not discard all other vows of Ahimsha, Aprigrah etc. Even we can twisty turpy anekantvaad as well. And that’s will not be the Jain dharma Mahavir Swami gave deshanaa.

      Mahavir swami was being tirthankar, he was charam shariri annd could not be affected by poison. Until we reach that state, Sanyam marg of five vows are fundamental to observe. If we cannot observe, it does not mean we have to cut short the Jain dharma ideology as prescribed in agamas and other Jain scriptures.

      Instead, what is being discuses is more like a social condition. And can be addressed thru humanist view point. In conclusion- to drag Jain dharma in this aspect is not prudent. All have right to exercise their religious beliefs as they choose without being infringed upon.

    3. Seems that western Jainism is also infiltrated by the LGBT+ lobby.

  10. Below is the synopsis of new development out in open about this subject matter. Please read the details and if you are keeping up the USA news, it’s going to be more self destructive in India with leftists NGOs.
    Yet - one more of my observations in becoming. Sad but true. I hope NRI indians feel buyer’s/ voters remorse for Biden administration. Hopefully Modi will effectively take care of the situation.
    Please share such information with your friends in India and other places to wake them up.
    This policy is just beginning and later on increasing the funding and trying to buy liberal politicians in India and in the end I
    Influencing the academia and primary schools onwards- just like in USA.

    1. Seems like fake news - Looked at breitbart article and searched state department funding pages. Did not find anything referenced by the material here and in the article.


    2. Relevant link below.
      Deadline: 20-Jan-23

      The U.S. Mission to India is seeking applications for its Countering Stigma and Prejudice Against the Transgender Community. Link 👇👇👇
      It would be surprising for Breitbart to push for fake news as being a conservative site like all other conservatives. They are being watched and defamed even for the real news. They are under extreme watch from all three lettered agencies and MSM.

    3. Very nicely written on LGBTQ. LGBTQ is because of Namkarma. This because of Mithatwa ,Ajyana of jiva in his or her previous Bhav. As we accomade Jiva equally, needs Sthikaran . Shithikaran mean as jain shravk teach principles of jainism
      to bring in Jain path of purification . With Rantraya Marg jiva may change toAvirati samyak dristi . Hope for better next Bhav.

    4. Very nicely written on LGBTQ. LGBTQ is because of Namkarma. This because of Mithatwa ,Ajyana of jiva in his or her previous Bhav. As we accomade Jiva equally, needs Sthikaran . Shithikaran mean as jain shravk teach principles of jainism
      to bring in Jain path of purification . With Rantraya Marg jiva may change toAvirati samyak dristi . Hope for better next Bhav.

  11. According to Jain scriptures, all souls are equal to God's soul. " Sabhi Jiv hein Siddha Saman". From One sense to five senses jiv have identical souls. Therefore, Jainism does not consider any soul as an imperfect soul. The differences as described in the question are various states on the body, which is "Pudgal" and has no knowledge and is not the subject of love or hate,

  12. According to Jain Scriptures' all souls are equal, virtually same as that of the God. " Sarve Jiv Hein Siddha Saman." The body conditions as described in the question are various states of the body which is Matter (Pudgal) only which has no knowledge. Jainism does not accept any hatred or love under any conditions. It is only a subject of my knowledge. It has no effect or influence on my state of peace and happiness. Let us consider that such conditions are just there and do not influence me in any way. As such there is no need to react in any way.

  13. Thank you for writing this important article. There is no room for discrimination of any kind in Jainism. All souls are equal. This simple concept and its applicability to all facets of life help us become better humans and move ourselves and the world forward.

  14. JAINA education comm. has provided in depth,& thought provoking multi faced discourse on subject
    never touched before. It is an awesome service to Jain Community with scientific awareness and enlightenment. Also it reinforces FIVE basic Jain principles.

  15. Attempts in biological science have been made to explain the difference in correlation between sex and sexuality among transgender and cisgender people by using a hypothesis, known as nature vs nurture hypothesis. I believe that the law of karma can lead to a system model that provides more clarity in synthesizing the nature vs nurture processes. Karma and nokarma in Jainism can be considered equivalent to nature and nurture in science. While there seems to be insignificant interaction between nature and nurture, karma and nokarma are highly interactive. The nokarma affects the new karma, which in turn modifies the past karma stored in the karmic body. The details can be found in a paper "Sex and Sexuality in Jainism, Proceedings of National Seminar on Engaging Jainism with Modern Issues, Feb. 24-27, 2017, Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, Ladnun, Rajasthan."

  16. Awesome article, much needed message in the world and within Jain community too. Thank you for the hard work to prepare this well articulated explanation.

  17. Good, educational article.

  18. Accepting LGBTQ as they are socially is O.K. But please don't use Jain Religion's fundamental principles like Ahinsa, Anekantvad and twist it's meaning to accept LGBTQ and saying Bhagwan Mahavir said . (1) Medically Hermaphrodite ( As said in Jain literature ) does not mean LGBTQ. (2) Please Read 4th Anuvrat of Pratikraman, 3 rd Atichar " ANAGKRIDA = OTHER THEN NORMAL ANG KAM KRIDA KARI HOI ". In Jain literature , other then Normal Male Female sex is sinful and that's why Atichar and pap praystchit. I am not sure To Acharya from India, Author asked correct question ; yes, Acharya would have said Not to harm any LGBTQ Person , But would never say " Jain literature says " Thare is No Pap in being LGBTQ , If it was there won't have been Atichar and mention in Pratikraman. If anyone finds any Mention of LGBTQ is acceptable in jain literature, please mention reference here.

    1. Sharad G, Asiaus Anuyayi12/27/2022 2:07 AM

      I agree with your view. What author has done is an act of "Justifying" Ashubh Karm. There is no need to do so. Just accept the reality like other Ashubh Karm like "Greed", etc, which we all have. LGBQT is just another phenomena. Even normal sex is "Ashubh Karm", mostly.

      Maithunam-abrahm ||11||

      Read 7th chapter of "Tatwarth Sutra", it clearly specifies various "Emotions" helpful for Brahmcharya. For getting better at "Brahmcharya",

      Brahmcharya is not just related to sex, it is the foundation for the meditation, focus, and required for achiving Shubh Karm and gradually Karm-Nirjara

      Five emotions that can help in improving Brahmcharya (Common people can not do, so accept it)

      Par-vivaah-karane itvarika-aparigrahita-parigrahita-gaman ananga-krida tivra-kamanibhivesh ||23||

      Par-vivaah-karane ==> matchmaking
      ananga-krida ==> having sex with other organ
      itvarika-apargrahita-pargrahita-gaman ==> having sex with other people
      tivra-kamanibhivesh ==> extreme desire for sex

      remember all have again Man, Vachan, Kaay (By thoughts, by Words, by Body). Jainism is easy but it becomes complex if such articles confuses people. I think the author should correct it.

      For LGBTQ, let the society follow its course as per current practice. Like any worldly action, It may or may not be right depending on how one perceive it.

  19. An excellent article and the views are reformative and agreeable. While I would practice everything mentioned here, as pointed out by others, mixing a discussion on religious position with issues of social justice is an error. Other than a reference to Bhagawati Sutra, I did not find much specifically from Jain religious texts. Not quoting Munis agreeing or disagreeing is a glaring shortcoming. If Jainism does not approve of LGBTQ, then we need to know (and reform), rather than gloss over it.

  20. I think when comments are moderated, it’s like Vijaya gadde and parag Agarwal hiding in spirit - not publishing disagreeable comments.

  21. In my opinion as long as it is innate and is not driven by pleasure that too sadistic pleasure it must be tolerated. But many times this is acquired from or from external influence clubbed with worldly pleasures. In such case it needs to be curbed.
    Is there a possibility of preaching of practicing Parigraha for those with such inclination. Is that not what the religion teaches us all. Every one craves for worldly pleasure. Its the religion that teaches us to practice Parigraha to refrain from the excess or the unwanted.

  22. Under the following category of karma: Mohaniya - Charitra Mohaniya - Nokashay there are three types of karmas, Purushveda (sex desire for females), Strived (sex desire for males) and Napunsakved (sex desire for both males and females). Anyone can have any of these karmas hence causing the person to be straight, gay/lesbian or bisexual. It is just the effect of karmas. As the article mentioned, we have to look beyond the karmas at the Shuddhatma puresoul.

  23. LGBTQ is nothing more than a leftist socio-political agenda, I.e., a Western sickness and perversion that is being promoted in the West for the purpose of destroying civilization. Jains in America are behaving like fools trying to conform to every Leftist Woke thing they see on TV and social media. Stop being perverted idiots like the modern Whites and focus on JINA SHASAN and living JINAVANI 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    1. It’s the elites and liberals and democrats supporting this ideology. If one goes to the conservative news, there is a whole new paradigm and those people vehemently disagree such behavior and imposing upon the unsuspecting population. For a starter, look into
      There are several books alerting on the ills of this forceful indoctrination which are banned from sale. So many people’s lives have been destroyed in USA because they did not want to party with this lgbtq and grooming and forceful censorship (by pre-Elon era of Twitter) and boycott of small businesses. Please wake up - this is another way of infiltrating into other religions and destroying inside out. Our unsuspecting Jain friends are playing Brownshirt activities without knowing it. Trying to fit into the so-called MSM and propaganda, our friends are being used as useful idiots (check out the term for useful idiots and Brownshirt). So I do not fault the team but their lack of self awareness. One will never hear about the opposing discussion on left and liberal leaning news and blog outlets.
      Micchami dukkadam.

    2. How did you arrive at conclusion that it is 1 Western sickness and perversion
      2 we Jains in America are behaving like fools follow things seen om tv
      3 we are perverted idiots

      Will leave conclusions to the readers We know we are evaluating each situation with Jain principles

    3. Amar, you operate under the delusion that only traditional, literal-minded practitioners of Jain dharma have the right knowledge, and that anything that comes from the West or is associated with liberal values is somehow perverted. Look in the mirror my friend. As Jains, we must act better than this.

    4. Sorry to break it to you but I’m a woman, I practice Jainism in India, I grew up in an extremely religious household and am not straight. I’m not influenced by ‘western culture’ as you say it. I am who I was born as, I don’t have any control on my orientation and I’m proud of it. I will continue to follow my religion while being true to myself and will not let anyone be a gatekeeper.
      If I’m not harming anyone, saying the truth, and I’m true to myself and others, I don’t see why you should have a problem.

      What your hateful comment is trying to say is that everyone is straight, any belief that doesn’t align with it is either perverted or has some agenda behind it. Just like how patriarchy is hurting men, heteronormativity is hurting straight people too. What a lot of people with similar views as you don’t understand is that imposing heterosexuality would mean that a straight woman in your family could be unintentionally/ unknowingly married off to a gay man still in the closet. Imagine being trapped in a marriage where the foundations of a good marriage are in question, it’s unfair for both parties and that won’t last for too long unfortunately.

      Unfortunately as stereotyped amongst desis, not all gay men are effeminate and not all lesbians are tom boyish, so you can never tell someone’s orientation by how they look or behave.

      By forcing such narrow minded views on others, more societal problems are being created. If you let queers live their lives with respect and dignity, it won’t take away anything from you.
      And no, nobody in their right mind grooms kids, also we don’t have so much free time in life and bad intentions because we are busy fighting for our basic rights. You’re targeting the community by saying hurtful things such as this as if it is appropriate for me to make a blanket statement that straight men are pedophiles or rapists and that’s the agenda of the right wingers?? That’s extremely unfair and wrong right? Similarly, please stop making such wrongful accusations towards an entire community just based on some biased views you have, which seem to have no basis. I hope and pray people with such homophobic views never have kids, because their orientation is something you can never control and we’ve not progressed so much that we can choose the gender and orientation and get a customised child.

  24. Please Don't use Jainism as Justification to make it Right when someone in your Family/Friend is LGBTQ and make them socially acceptable. I would have expected Author and Moderator to do more Homework ( study Jain Literature ) before publishing this article, I am disappointed. This is becoming more social blog then religious blog.

    1. Would you kindly share your knowledge about Jainism that is against accepting LGBTQ?

    2. As per scoentific evidence LGBTQ existd in 3-5% of people One does not need sny religion (including Jainism) to justify them Wiestionn is - what is the Jain way to deal with it

      Kindly enlighten us as to how you would deal if someone very close to you were to be LGBTQ??

    3. I have no problem accepting someone close to family as LGBTQ. My problem is using Jain Religion as justification. e.g. Thief's action to justify That Being he is Human being It's o.k. to steal from others, I don't think Jain religion says It's o.k. to steal. Here Please Read 4 th Vrat from Pratikraman book with meaning, someone gave example on 12/25/2022.

  25. Great article!

  26. As a genderqueer Jain, this article makes me feel incredibly loved and accepted. I have always strived to practice Jainism in my daily life, and found that the scripture supports my innate feeling that gender is not a part of my body. And, if it were, it would not truly matter, as the body fades; our soul is without gender or mortal labels. It merely exists as energy does. I have always known this, and I am beyond joy to see that I am not alone, and that I never was.

    1. You are entitled to live happy productive life - sex marriage as per your authantic self We Jains have shown tremendous acceptance and inclusion, few negative comments notwithstanding.

  27. Vijay Kiyawat-Singapore12/28/2022 7:15 AM

    Dear Pravin Bhai, Could you please support with some Jain Scripture the statement (under the topic Jain Literature) in the article "Thus, mental disposition is recognized to be different from physical anatomy. This classification would, therefore, refer to what we now know as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender sexual orientations."?

  28. Jai Jinendra
    I think most jains aroundthe world don't know the differences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, so before starting this topic one should really explian what are these different catagories and how people within this body or mind are finding out about their changes in body,mind and who they tell first may be parents.
    Without knowing these we are just guessing and asking whole world to co operate with them
    For me I wouldn't know any Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual even after coming in to contact with them
    So I think we should discuss this topic from the people who have these bodies and minds and then also I think as a parent we should help them to find their envoronment like friends partners and support them.
    It is personal experience for them but at the same time it is different fromthe mass so they have to be ver carefull to choose.
    I am 66 and yet havn't come across any Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual in my life and I think there may be many many people are like me

    1. Jain Jinendra -
      Gay - man who is sexually attractied to Male only or mostly male
      Lesbian - woman who is sexually attracted to females only or mostly female
      Bisexuals - person is sexually attracted to Male or Female
      Transgender - Here a person is born as male feels like he is indeed a female trapped in male's body or someone born as female feels like a male trapped in female body. They actually would like to get corrective surgery to convert to the gender they fell they belong to

      Interesting observation you make is .. you are 66 and have not come across any LGBT - answer lies in the fact that because of severe reaction from family and friends most LGBT choose to hide the true nature. Many choose to take "Sanyas" so they won't be the target of ridicule. 3-5 % of human being are born with one or the other of this condition.

  29. Jai Jinendra
    Gay - a man is sexually attracted to other men mostly or exclusively
    Lesbian - a woman is sexually attracted more to other woman mostly or exclusively
    Bi Sexual - here man or woman is attracted sexually to either gender
    Trans sexual - this individuals have external genitals of male or female but as they grow they realize that even though he has a body of male he feels like a female trapped inside (and start behaving like a female) They go on to have gender correction surgery

    It is estimated that at least 3-5% of human being belong one of the other of these status. We used to think that since it was so un common there was something wrong with them as human being

    " in my life and I think there may be many many people are like me" You are absolutely right. Even though 16.5 million Americans and more than 65 million of Indian population have one or the other condition - for most part we are unaware of it. The reason being men/women keep it secret and no one likes to talk about it .

  30. It's important to understand that sexual orientation is a natural and complex aspect of human identity, and it cannot be determined by a simple test or questionnaire.

    Sexual orientation is also a personal and private matter, and everyone has the right to explore and express their own identity in a safe and accepting environment without fear of discrimination or stigma.

    If you have any questions or concerns about your sexual orientation, it may be helpful to seek support from a trusted friend, family member, or a qualified mental health professional who can provide you with accurate information, guidance, and resources. Try I am gay quiz to understand your sexual orientation

  31. I would like to convey my very sincere gratitude to the author of this article for penning down this thoughtful piece and for their sensitivity towards this subject. I’m a closeted lesbian and I’m extremely grateful to have been born into a Jain family. In the past two years I discovered my orientation in my mid 20s and I have been trying to find some validation in Jain scriptures. We have a long way to go but your article gives me immense hope and courage. Thank you very much for your kindness and acceptance. Jai Jinendra.

  32. Ved Margana represents the gender of the Jiva. In a specifc birth Jiva has the body of one of the three possible genders which manifests due to fruition of naam karma of angopang and nirmaan . The three genders are Male, Female and Neutral. The body is generated out of the fruition of Angopang naam karma which provides for their various distinguishing features and Nirmaan Naam karma shapes it accordingly. This results in creation of Dravya Male/Female/Neutral which is the physical body. Further there is manifestation of Bhava or desires which occurs on fruition of Cahritra Mohaniya Karma of one of the three types. The desire to mate with female is provided by fruition of Purush Veda ( Male gender), desire to mate with male is on account of fruition of Stree Veda ( Female gender) and the desire to mate with either of them is generated by Napunsak Veda( Neutral gender), which are known as Bhava Veda.

    In general the Bhava veda( Desire) and Dravya veda ( Physical body) are matching i.e one has a male body and desires for female. However in humans and animals this is not essential. In some cases the body and the desire may not match , for example one may have male body and the bhava veda may be stree veda i.e. desire a male. This is possible and accepted in Jainism. In fact such person may still acquire samyak darshan and can attain Moksha in the same birth although he cannot be a Tirthankara.

    1. Our scriptures gives all scenarios present innour society today , after all it is the knowledge passed down from the knower of everything - the omniscient lord. It os our duty to read and understand these scriptures so as to avoid biases in our society. Its great to know that if one is spiritually enclined , no specific gender is an obstruction on tje path to liberation

  33. Good to see a dialogue over this topic.

    What I understand is that the Essence of Jainism is inherent in this sutra:
    “SamyagDarshanGyanCharitrani MokshaMargah”

    I share what I see without any biases:

    Male, female and neuter are defined based on physical characteristics (gender). Masculine and feminine are defined based on psychological characteristics that guide human behavioral patterns irrespective of their gender. Homosexual, bi-sexual and asexual are different types of sexual preferences.
    Physical characteristics are rigid whereas psychological characteristics including sexual preferences are fluid by nature. The perceived connections and alignments between the three only exist in our minds because they exist as norms. In reality, there is no connection between them and they don’t need to be aligned with each other. It is the norms, developed by us, over the years, that make us believe that a physical male or female has to have certain psychological characteristics and sexual preferences. For example , the association of clothes and style with a certain physical and behavioral characteristics is a result of normative expectations rather than their function.

    Norms are created to serve a purpose and once they are done serving the purpose they change. They either change organically and smoothly transition to new ones or face resistance because they change the status quo or doesn’t meet the needs of some parties. In such cases either a social dialogue or revolution or extreme steps taken but irrespective of the path they take, the change happens. As the norms are fluid not rigid and they do change once they have served their purpose. Heterosexuality as a norm served its purpose when we needed it to ensure the survival of humanity. But we long ago crossed our survival threshold as a species and now we are overpopulated which is becoming a cause of suffering thus heterosexuality seems to have served it purpose and it is no more needed to be practiced by all and loosing its status as a norm. Moreover, fighting with our own or forcing someone to fight with their reality causes suffering or Hinsa, whereas accepting our own and each other’s realities leads to the path of Ahinsa. Choice is ours.

  34. Jin Vaani

    Sarva Aataam Siddha Saman....

    In context of Jainism there is no distinction, all are at par and is only due to Karma....

  35. According to jainism there are three veds , stri ved, purush ved and napunsak ved. And both these are of two types, dravya ved ie physical appearance and bhav ved ie internal feelings. Although physical dravya purush ved is compulsary, Any soul can achieve liberation with any of the three bhav veds and in fact bhav ved is eradicated at the the second part of the 9th gunusthaan.
    The jain theory accepts all genders and it is our social responsibility to shed light on these facts to avoid unnecessary raag and dwesh.

  36. Jainism accepts all three veds, stri ved , purush ved and napunsak ved. In fact one can have a physical male purish ved known as dravya ved , and an internal emotional bhav ved of a stri- woman. All three veds can achieve samyak darshan and the 5th gunustaan
