May 1, 2019

Purpose and Approach

The story behind this blog and approach used to answer all the questions

Why this blog

The purpose of this blog is to address questions that have been collected by the Jaina Education Committee over the last 10+ years. These questions have been raised by the youth and professionals to their pathshala teachers, parents and/or Jain scholars. There are wide range of questions from, basic to complex ones, that involve experiences of modern times on various topics like - Ahimsa, Rituals, Environmental impact, Women Equality, Social Issues, Cleanliness, Health and Medicines, Profession/Business, Penance, Philosophy, Literature, and many others.


Such questions can be addressed in one of the two ways, by either:

  • Asking them to not question anything about religion and simply believe and follow what is being said or 
  • Aid in understanding the values and principles that facilitates answer to those questions, so that individuals can use their own logic and wisdom to derive an answer for themselves. 

Using first approach is easy and simple, but in the long run, will either drive the individuals away from religion and spiritual lifestyle, or create a community that would follow religion blindly, that is, without any understanding of their own and without any experience the intended benefits. 


To avoid the pitfalls of this first approach, this blog therefore, uses the second approach to address the questions from a Jain values and principles perspective. The intent of this approach is to deepen individuals' understanding, and even be able to verify that understanding based on their own experience.


In Jainism, there are no "thou shalt" like commandments. On the contrary, Jainism is an introspective religion, and we should constantly ask ourselves - "Is it helping me?", "Is it making me better?". If the answer is yes, then "that's the right thing for me and I'm the only one who can answer these questions honestly." 


This blog will provide a thought-process-based understanding of the core values and principles of Jainism and highlight the benefits and changes we should see within ourselves by using our own wisdom.


The core teaching by Bhagwan Mahavira urges us use our own logic, reasoning and learn from our own experiences.


“Whatever I say, you must test this with your own reasoning and verify it through your own experience.


Do not accept what I say blindly by faith alone until it passes the litmus test of intellect. Otherwise, it will never be yours.


If you accept what I teach based on the sacred texts, or from my convincing reasoning, or even because of my radiant personality, but not by testing with your own reasoning, then in the end this will create only darkness (ignorance) in you and not light.”


- Tirthankar Mahavir

(Ref Book - Harmony-Of-All-Religions by Maharshi Santsevi Maharaj - Page 100)



This blog is written under guidance of Pravin Shah, Chairperson of the Jaina Education Committee, and a Jain scholar. For over 40 years, Pravin Shah has researched Jain literature and scriptures in pursuit of finding informed answers to many of the questions people have about Jainism. In addition to his in-depth knowledge of Jainism, he also has a deep understanding of life as a Jain in the United States. He strives to answer questions beyond the plain and familiar, “that’s the way it is”, no matter how controversial the question is. When it comes to religion, it is an extremely difficult task to challenge a belief system that has been held on for many years. It requires courage, dedication, calmness, open-mindedness, and commitment, to push past those beliefs and come to conclusions based on sound reasoning.


The team members of this blog are from various backgrounds, and from various geographic locations within the United States. The team holds regular sessions with Pravin Shah and each question has an author and editor assigned to it. Each article goes through thorough research and the team members also reaches to various scholars in India and in US. The responses are posted on this blog after it has gone through multiple reviews.


The current committee members for this effort are: Aditya Jain (India), Birju Doshi (CAN), Dhruti Ghiya (NJ), Hardik Mehta (NJ), Jina Shah (CA), Krupali Shah (IL), Minal Jayant Shah (IL), Rita Lodaya (NC), Sejal Shah (NC), Shilpa Shah (GA), Shruti Doshi (VA), Vinit Doshi (CT) and Pratiksha Shah (VA).


    1. Kalpesh Shah3/05/2019 8:15 PM

      Excellent idea! Looking forward to the next blog entry

    2. Thank you for setting this up. I really appreciate it! So much effort goes into these blog posts! (So Kudos to the Committee members efforts).

    3. It is very important now as ever before that collectively we have a forum to discuss such topics and how to think correctly about application of Jainism for questions of life in the western world which is increasingly getting confusing and polarizing. I for one, as a parent and a student of Jainism, would learn a lot. I also think that having such a forum promotes better dialogue with younger generation. Great effort!

    4. Excellent idea!

    5. Excellent work done by praveen shah and his team. Was Looking for this type of blog. I have found it. Very happy today

    6. Good initiative. Hopefully it serves the intended purpise. Looking forward to more of it.

    7. Thank you for creating this blog and the committee.

    8. Thank you for creating this blog and the committee.

    9. Thanks for doing this!

    10. Great efforts.
      Appreciating from the bottom of my heart.
      Thank you

    11. Great work committee!

    12. I am delighted to see that there is now an avenue for learned and novice to get better, clearer understanding about many aspects of Jain religion, rituals, beliefs and questions. I look forward to reading these blog posts as regularly as possible and raise my own questions to clarify my understanding as well as add to what has been answered by the committee, if that is acceptable (anekantwad). Please accept my congratulations and gratitude for this work. Jai Jinendra!

    13. Thank you very much for creating such a blog because there are alot of confusion regarding the core values of jainism especially the basics so this will be really helpful and be able to resolve those questions who has just like me. This what we need. Sending love from all the way from Karnataka India
      Jai Jinendra

    14. Thanks a lot for creating such an informative blog. Jainism principles with scientific reasoning will definitely help new generation to better understand core principles.

      Jitendra Vora

    15. Please continue to keep the posts such that one's intellect and reason can accept them. It is great to know about one's religion if it is based on facts and logic.

      1. Universal system is too complex to make it look logical. I am just trying to state that appearance of Universal facts are not possible to grasp by our intelligence even though we are million times intelligent compared to other living beings. Nonetheless, we cannot be titled as intelligent just because humans have developed many gadgets around us. Intelligence to learn the mechanism of life and Atma need super intelligence which only Arihants have. The percolation down of their principles through SHASTRAs are too tall for us to understand with intelligence alone. When we add faith we understand the Gyanis have no reason to lie and only when we understand the way Arihants thought, we will find the Jain logic to be true. SO, it is not intelligent logic but it is the LOGIC + WISDOM that will prove to us that we have understood that ordinary logic is too small a device to examine words of Arihant. IT IS FAITH and confidence that they will never mis-lead us. Once we study Arihants, we will automatically have faith and dispel the academic logic.

    16. Thanks for seeking comments. Let me submit my brief introduction. I am 62 year old Buddhist writer, having penned 6 books so far. I studied Jainism to some extent. What Tirthankar Mahavir has said lets check our deeds accordingly. Let me ask you one question : Jains do not eat meat egg or anything non-veg. They call it sin or paap. But the Jain money lenders charge interest @ 10% from poor people. And often forfeit their pledged jewelry as the poor man is not in a condition to pay this much of interest. Is it not Himsa or paap or sin? The woman whose jewelry is so gone, undergoes much more severe and longer pain than the goat or cock whose meat eating is deemed as himsa. Why blood sucking interest is not Himsa?

      1. I do not think in Jainism there is any support for any such unhuman activity. Such practices are not considered proper by any followers of Jain, Buddhist or any other religions of the world. But unfortunately black sheeps are always there among every community.

      2. Thanks to all for making wise and sober comments. I revere only two Saints of India : Mahavira and Buddha. Often I feel mesmerized when I read their original teachings. I feel all those who follow these two saints, must follow their teachings in letter and spirit. The Jain society must do something that cruel moneylenders or Nirav Modis are ousted from the society. Such people bring bad name to these Saints.

    17. Replies
      1. Sughosh Bansal5/19/2019 12:02 AM

        Let us first differentiate Jainism from Jains. All Jains may not be following Jainism in its totality. Yes jainism prehobits Greed (unjustified profiteering)

    18. 10% is a tall claim. Such high percentages are usually extracted by musclemen in the slums. You think people will pay 10% to Jains. I would agree they charge upto 3% but beyond that is not possible to agree.

      1. The question relates to hinsa caused by Jain moneylenders taking poor people's property as payment. The 3% or 10% is not the issue.

      2. Nirav Modi is a Jain. Does it mean all Jains are like him? Pulling out a stray case of some strange person charging 10% interest is not the correct sample for a decision of Jains.

    19. 10% is a tall claim. Such high percentages are usually extracted by musclemen in the slums. You think people will pay 10% to Jains. I would agree they charge upto 3% but beyond that is not possible to agree.

    20. 10% is a tall claim. Such high percentages are usually extracted by musclemen in the slums. You think people will pay 10% to Jains. I would agree they charge upto 3% but beyond that is not possible to agree.

    21. Sughosh Bansal5/19/2019 12:08 AM

      jainism, as I understand, for the Family person means purity in Heart, Speech, and Body. Jainism teaches us not to think ill, not to speak ill, and not to do ill. It is difficult to practice all of these in our daily life, but even one single attempt at a time goes long way to practice Jainism. To the least, if we ensure not to think or wish any ill for others, we are practicing jainism. Likewise, if at least knowingly we do not cause any harm to other by way of speech or action, we are practicing Jainism. 'Hinsa" need to be understood clearly both in terms of Speech and action. If we can do these, to me taking any vow is not essential.

    22. Hi there, I totally liked your content. It is up to the mark. I am Jain and from India. If there is anything that I can help you with, I would be grateful to you people for that. I own a software development company. If you want I can help you with making website of this rather that using blogspot.
      Contact: 7666109274

    23. First of all it's a grwt blog and I'm learning so much out of it. My question:- Should we serve ice cream after lunch at Jain center to whole samaj?

    24. Jainism believes is RAS-TYAAG. Means not to indulge in food that promote / corrupt taste sense to a level where we becomes 'foodie' and overtly crave for food that is for anything more than attending to the needs of the appettite. Additionally, the ills of the dairy industry should prevent us from dairy products as the milk of the lactating mother is for her calves. Someone has commented that dairy industry is more cruel than slaughter houses since cows / buffaloes are 'aritificially raped' for more pregnancies.

    25. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 9:55 AM

      Hai Jinender.
      Jainism food is the proven, purest and cent percent vegetarian food. Jainism Kitchen is the symbol of cleanliness and friendliness in diversity. The alms seekers in form of saints and sadhvis are in fact, the blessings, boon and even right knowledge providers to the Jain families and the society.
      Jainism religion related kitchen awareness is to be snowballed across the globe such as in the train pantries, aeroplane flights and all the international cities. This is the need of an hour to preserve non-violence, compassion, friendliness, and affection in diversity.
      For maintenance of world peace, Jainism kitchen awareness is equally important as the Jainism religion.
      Therefore. keep on promoting Jain food awareness and civilized life style at an international level, too. The entire world community will be benefitted with peace and affordability along with the spiritual benefits.

    26. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 9:56 AM

      Hai Jinender.
      Jainism food is the proven, purest and cent percent vegetarian food. Jainism Kitchen is the symbol of cleanliness and friendliness in diversity. The alms seekers in form of saints and sadhvis are in fact, the blessings, boon and even right knowledge providers to the Jain families and the society.
      Jainism religion related kitchen awareness is to be snowballed across the globe such as in the train pantries, aeroplane flights and all the international cities. This is the need of an hour to preserve non-violence, compassion, friendliness, and affection in diversity.
      For maintenance of world peace, Jainism kitchen awareness is equally important as the Jainism religion.
      Therefore. keep on promoting Jain food awareness and civilized life style at an international level, too. The entire world community will be benefitted with peace and affordability along with the spiritual benefits.

    27. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 9:59 AM

      Promote cent percent purity and vegetarianism uniqueness through Jainism Kitchen concepts at national and at an international level.
      Jai Jinender.

    28. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 9:59 AM

      Promote cent percent purity and vegetarianism uniqueness through Jainism Kitchen concepts at national and at an international level.
      Jai Jinender.

    29. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 10:00 AM

      Promote cent percent purity and vegetarianism uniqueness through Jainism Kitchen concepts at national and at an international level.
      Jai Jinender.

    30. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 10:03 AM

      Promote religious compassion, cleanliness, awareness and friendliness in the train pantries and aeroplane flights at national and international level.
      Jai Jinender.

    31. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 10:03 AM

      Promote religious compassion, cleanliness, awareness and friendliness in the train pantries and aeroplane flights at national and international level.
      Jai Jinender.

    32. Occultist Academician Professor Doctor Engineer Sivilingenioor AMAN JAIN5/20/2019 10:03 AM

      Promote religious compassion, cleanliness, awareness and friendliness in the train pantries and aeroplane flights at national and international level.
      Jai Jinender.

    33. “Is Jainism becoming a Kitchen Religion…” or Why is food given so much importance in Jain households? Answer:
      It is possible that Mahavira teachings fearless, strength and self restraint has become difficult to grasp and pursue so we have taken solace by being "religious" which begins at the Kitchen and ends at the Kitchen.

      1. Pap, Punya and it's significance: There are several Jain Scriptures which say that the concept can bring us to Equanimity "Madhyasth Bhav". It makes logical sense to use it for the purpose rather than creating Society of REGRETS. Mahavira's ultimate goal as I understand "PrasanChit" (A calm mind in supreme joy). I do not see how it can be attained by
      always pointing out and thinking, whatever I do involves "Pap"
      and spend whole life in regrets! For next generation, let us
      teach them how to be joyful, that state will help them conquer
      their FEAR and will bring contention with what they have while striving to achieve the best to their individual capacity/potential.

      2. Ahinsa and Hinsa: As described above is very clear guideline. Again, Jain Scriptures not covered above has slightly different interpretations. Definition " It is AHINSA when a person does not attach himself/herself to the Act" all other is HINSA. To further the thought, if person is fully aware but detached from the act of accepting food etc. in front and it is necessary, it is an act of "AHINSA" , while
      another person eating completely "one Sense being" to fulfill
      necessity is so engrossed in taste and flavor, person is committing act of "HINSA" " Food for thought" as we have traveled from tropical climate to other parts of the world it has become evident to me that different climate and regions have developed variety of diets as per their survival needs and what is available. It is equally important for next generation to grasp the concept of "VIVEK" rather than steadfast principles of being VEGAN or VEGETARIANISM.

      2. Examples is about what happens when we want an egg-less, cookies and cakes. VEGANS will not consume "GHEE" Saturated FAT is essential to bind the flower for smooth and consistent taste and flavor. Choices are PALM OIL , Margarine etc. Hydrogenated fats have been banned but we have to use it anyhow?

      3. Individuals over 60 to 70 years of age are dictating and interpreting Jain Principles as per their upbringing in different environment and challenges. Question always will remain, Would SUCH A GUIDANCE allow youth born within North America, to lead joyous life with "NO REGRETS" and be a part of local society, which will enhance their "SELF AWARENESS" to
      Jain/ Mahavira's ultimate goal for all Humans.

    34. What we eat is what we become - as simple as that !
      #saatvikBhojan is the best and is proven now.
      Since roots are supposed to have more organisms, they are avoided.

      There are many hindus & brahmins across India who do not eat roots after 50 or 60 years of age, as per age old practices being followed as per Ayurveda .

    35. Dear Friends, I studied Jainism to some extent. So far as I came to know Mahavira was the first person who gave theory of Pudgala (molecules). Will you please publish some article/material on it. Or can you please guide me where from I can get original books of jainism.

    36. very well written, thanks pl continue. young and old both generations will be benefited

    37. A religion that is as old as Jainism needs to take account of new circumstances that arise. The core value of Jainism is Ahimsa. So let us see what happens in the dairy industry. The cow is inseminated artificially. After 3 pregnancies it is worn out and sent for slaughter. If a male cow is born it is killed at birth or raised for beef. The baby calf is separated straight away from the mother cow on birth which gives immense pain to the cow and drives her mad. Along with the milk you get the blood cells so the colour of the milk looks red in the beginning. Due to the high concentrate feed the cow is made to give more milk and her udders are swollen causing great pain. It also suffers from arthritis and many other ailments. Milk is known to cause eczema in children. It also has Lactose a natural sweetness which might trigger diabetes amongst those prone to it. The core value of Jainism is Ahimsa and we have to ask ourselves if having known all these facts would Lord Mahaveer have consumed milk. The answer is obvious he would not. The reason why so many people want to avoid knowing the realities of milk consumption is because they like their mithai, chaas, yogurt, kadhi, shrikhand! I can assure you all these can be made with vegan yogurt! Vegan cakes, Vegan ice cream you name it you can get it. There is a Vegan revolution going on here in the UK and it is massive in US. If the Jain Sangh refuses to see the reality of milk it will be on the wrong side of Ahimsa and Jains in mass numbers will make their own decision and go Vegan. Nitin Mehta founder Indian Vegetarian Society, UK, WEBSITE: WWW.YOUNGINDIAN VEGETARIANS.CO.UK. My

      1. Nitin ji, very thought provoking facts you have mentioned. I will bring it to our family members notice and bring use of milk to the minimum.
        But it also apply to human beings also. I have seen big Jain leaders advocating caste discrimination as Rule of God. Untouchability in any form is Himsa against humanity. That too should be eliminated from Jainism.

    38. there are jains who are by birth only jains so we should not consider what layman is speaking or practising. stress is for individual improvement.

    39. What are your views on the practices for women having their periods?
      Like not sleeping on the bed, not touching anyone,etc.
      What can be the logic behind these practices?

    40. Thanks a lot for creating this an informative blog. Jainism principles with scientific reasoning will definitely help new generation to better understand core principles.

    41. Great Article, Keep doing the good work Buddhism and Jainism
